Dollar Really Cost

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How Much a Dollar Really Cost? In the song How Much a Dollar Cost, lyricist Kendrick Lamar exposes how humanity selfishly clings to money, rather than giving back to those who are less fortunate. Kendrick tells a vivid, intriguing story about his experience with a seemingly homeless panhandler, who turns out to be God in the flesh testing his morality. Kendrick, unaware that he is speaking to God, tells the panhandler to “Beat it” which results in him losing his spot in heaven. The lyricist uses powerful allusions and strong language to make the reader aware of our own greed for materialistic items, while simultaneously stressing the importance of helping other individuals. The Lyricist uses very specific detail about the character’s appearance …show more content…

When Kendrick assumed that the homeless panhandler only wanted money for drugs, the homeless panhandler responded, “My son, temptation is one thing that I’ve defeated;” this alludes to Jesus being tempted by Satan. In the Bible book of Mathew, Jesus fasted for forty days and forty nights and during that period the devil tempted Jesus with food. Of course, Jesus denied Satan’s offer and ultimately defeated temptation, hence homeless panhandler defeated temptation already, just as Jesus has done. The homeless panhandler even directly asked Kendrick “Have you ever opened up Exodus 14? - A humble man is all we ever need;” Exodus 14 tells the story of how God’s faithful servant Moses led the Israelites to freedom. The homeless panhandler suggested this scripture to Kendrick because Moses lacked skill that a typical leader would have, but still led his people to freedom because he was humble, which is a trait that Kendrick did not posses. As the story continues, Kendrick tries and argues with the homeless panhandler, but gets the response “Know the truth is will set you free” though this response seems simple, it holds a lot of power. It is a direct quote from Jesus Christ himself in the Bible verse John 8:32. In the book of John, Jesus Christ spread his teaching to individuals who were “Slaves of sin” in hopes to deliver them from any mental or emotional bondage that would restrict them from entering His Father’s kingdom, heaven. The function of the direct Bible quote is to add context and substance to the story in order to hint to the reader the importance of the homeless panhandler. Kendrick is too angry and frustrated to realize who he is speaking with, so the homeless Panhandler finally reveals his true identity: “you’re looking at the Messiah, the son of Jehovah, the higher power, the choir that spoke the word, the Holy Spirit, The

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