Dog Persuasive Speech

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Ginger is a large sweet pitbull. She just had little puppies about a month ago. In search of food, Ginger left her puppies by a stop sign. She comes back to hear her pups aggressively barking at a large man holding the runt of the group. Ginger now runs in full speed towards the large man. Now with a thousand teeth marks on his leg, the man drops the runt and takes off running. Because of Ginger’s actions, she has been taken away from her children and is being held at the state animal department to be killed. Ginger would have been given a pass had america today cared about the justice of dogs. Who knew one simple action could have such a big outcome? Dogs that have bitten someone should not be executed because they can not control their …show more content…

About 15,000 years ago, scientists at PBS believe that wolves became domesticated. This led to the discovery of canine animals. These new creatures became much more appealing to the human eye. They have floppier ears, fluffier skin, “puppy dog” eyes, and the list goes on and on. Since then, dogs have been known as a “man’s best friend”. To this day, humans use dogs as multiple figures of entertainment whether it is a circus trick, protection, or even just a friend that is always willing to listen.. Many argue that dogs who have bitten someone should be executed. Certain dog bites can eventually lead to diseases and infections. While rabies is the most common dog bite disease, there are many more such as: tetanus, punctured wounds, and staph infection. In “Animal Bite- Associated Infections”, experts Nicole Thomas and Itzhak Brook argue that dogs are the most common transmitter of rabies (2011). Rabies is a viral disease transmitted through mammal bites which infects the nervous system ultimately leading to death. This is pretty horrific especially if it can result in someone …show more content…

An organism is any living thing that is made up of cells. Humans are organisms, you are an organism, plants are an organism, and dogs are organisms. Since everyone is practically the same, no one/thing should be ranked higher than another. Recently a study was conducted that showed that dogs and humans share 84% of their dna. Therefore, dogs and humans are closely related and should be treated the same; like living organisms. Dogs are not better than humans… Humans are not better than dogs. In simpler terms, if dog is killed for biting someone, than a human should be killed as well. Toddlers are giving numerous chances to understand a simple concept before they are tapped on the hand for doing the negative task again. So dogs should be given multiple chances to get a command right as well. Would you kill your little baby girl for biting your hand? No you would give them a warning and tell them “Not do it again”. If children are given multiple chances, then so should dogs. It would be unfair and unjust if you decided to give a child a chance to redeem themselves and not a canine

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