Dodge's Use Of Allusion In Writing

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Throughout the time period of when Dodge was a writer, being someone who spoke the way she had was a very courageous and bold thing to do because of the criticism that came with it. However, she destroys the hurt of criticism and condemnation through her use of allusions. By her use of allusion, the audiences is sensed in on how her mind is set about her position as a writer and her position in society. An example of this would be in line 21 “I do, therefore, with spartan firmness depose and say that I am a woman.” Her use of spartan firmness establishes the basis of her opinion on herself and her work. Her opinion clearly stated here is that she is strongly confident with herself as a female writer and the work she produces. By exemplifying her confidence, it allows the men targeted in some of her audience to believe that many women may have felt this way therefore concluding their opinion is in fact inferior to theirs. Also in line 20 “Let us have everybody christened before we begin.” The allusion towards giving a name to someone supports one of her main goals in the writing which is to give a clear name for all women writers during this time period.

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