Can The Soul Can Leave The Body Essay

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Do we have a soul inside ourselves? Does this “soul” make us who we are? Can the “soul” change? There are arguments between philosophers debating each side. Some believe that there is a soul, while others do not. Some believe that the soul can change, while others do not. There is no scientific evidence siding with either side. However, there are many studies that have been conducted in order to attempt to prove one side right. These attempts have not been successful. There have also been cases where individuals claim that they had a soul and lost it. Again, nothing has been proved; there are studies, and testimonials arguing one side or the other. Still we find ourselves asking the same questions over and over again. This essay will discuss …show more content…

For example, if someone were in a car accident they would more than likely say, “you hit me!” rather than, “you hit my car!” this is because we substitute a shell for our bodies. In this example the car is the body while the person inside is the soul. The soul or person can get out, file a police report, then proceed to purchase a new vehicle, a body. The example demonstrates how the mind associates with the body, thinking they are one unit, while it is actually possible for the soul to leave. No one can say for sure whether our souls have lived before in a different shape or form previous to the current body it is in. In the “Who Am I?” podcast with Radiolab they talk to the daughter of a woman who claims that she has lost her “self” or “soul”. The mother woke up with a horrible headache, so she got up and went to her exercise class per usual. Her headache had not gotten any better so she was taken to the hospital. She had a brain aneurism and fell into a coma for 4 months, but still had her consciousness. When she awoke she began going to recovery and therapy class, but her daughter did not recognize her any longer. She claimed her mother had died the day she had the aneurism. After months of recovery the mother explained that she believed she had a different soul. She no longer was concerned with the same trivial concerns. She was more free, and outgoing without having to feel perfect all of the time. She even got a tattoo. Here the mother is …show more content…

Some creatures are only able to sense the world while others, humans, are able to process and manipulate the world with their minds and bodies. This is a great difference between humans and other life forms. The body takes action when the mind or consciousness tell it to act. David Edmunds and Nigel Warburton sat down with Tim Crane to discuss the relationship between the mind and body. Crane explains “think of the mind as being a thing, some sort of entity that may or may not be separate from the body but rather to think of human beings to have mental capacities so that people have the capacity to think, to act, to feel and to have emotions and to be conscious, all of these mental capacities I’d classify as the mind,” (Crane 1:17-1:41) here Crane begins to go into detail about how humans have the ability to be conscious within their bodies. The body is able to move or adjust things in the physical world but it is relying on our thoughts, emotions, actions, and our consciousness to tell the body how to act or what to do. This does go to show “that the mind has physical effects in the physical world” (Warburton 2:33-2:36). The mind and the brain are not the same thing. Throughout the entire podcast, “Who Am I?” they addressed the mind as inside of the brain,

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