Diverticular Disease: What is the difference between diverticulosis and diverticulitis?

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When pockets develop in the wall of the colon, this is called diverticulosis. The pockets that form are called diverticula; the pockets pick up fecal matter as the body’s waste is propelled through the colon.

Diverticulosis and diverticulitis are classified as diverticular disease. The main difference between diverticulosis and diverticulitis is that there is no inflammation, and with the second there is. Approximately 80 percent of the individuals who have been diagnosed with diverticulosis never advance to the more serious condition, diverticulitis. Most people who have diverticulosis have no symptoms at all.

Symptoms of diverticulosis

Abdominal bloating



Left lower abdominal pain (relieved after passing stool or gas)

No symptoms at all

Symptoms of diverticulitis

Sudden pain in the left lower abdomen

Abdominal pain may start out mild and worsen over time

Abdomen is tender to the touch

Daily bowel habits change

Fever (caused by the inflammation or infection)



Blood in stool



Causes of diverticulosis


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