Discuss the Research on Compliance and Conformity Underlining

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To comply and conform in society is sometimes ideal in some situations especially when everyone has their own ideas, beliefs, opinions and ways of thinking. So to comply and conform when group work arises is a situation many people do to avoid confrontation, possible embarrassment, and generally being `the odd one out'. Psychologists have done many experiments to tests compliance and conformity. They have tested why people do it, when people will do it, which people do it, how people do it, and what situations people are more likely to do it. I will discuss mainly what enhances and what reduces this type of behaviour through research done by Asch, Milgram, and Sherif.

Asch (1951) did an experiment to test people's conformity skills with a simple task. The task was to compare a line with three others, one of which was the same size as the comparable line. This task was chosen because of its simplicity and anyone being tested (privately) was likely to give the correct answer. But when tested in a group of 3 or more, conformity of the person being tested rose to match the answers of the other peoples when the group had to give their judgment verbally. Asch set up the experiment so that he had at least one confederate and a participant, with the participant to sit on the second to last of the row so they gave their answer penultimate. When the group had to verbally give their answer, the research participant was more likely to conform with the majority even though the confederates were told to deliberately give the wrong answer. This conformity was noticeable when there were 3 or more confederates. There were 75% of the research participants that went along with the majority at least once. When the research participant was interv...

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...frontation with the experimenter was also used as an excuse for obeying. The experimenter who also wore a white lab coat may have also been an issue for continuing as it portrays a position of authority.

The reason for people to comply, conform, and obey are because we all like to `fit in'. For all to have friends and partners we need to often change our own personal beliefs or just to keep them unknown for a while to keep others happy. This could be because of pressures from groups, social situations, and positions of authority. Most experiments done to prove this theory have issues about their relevance or whether they show reality which involves our emotions but the last line is that we do comply, conform and obey in different situations mostly when there are social pressures put upon us to fit in with people when we consider our own beliefs not necessary.

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