Discuss The Assassination Of Andrei Lukanov's Assassination

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During the year of my birthday October 6,1996 and between September and October, plenty of worldwide events had surrounding areas in a stir. While some international, national, or local events made people very worrisome, others put people at ease, or even provided excitement. What caused many people to be either troubled or jovial were the events that occurred during that time period: international events, the seizing of the Afghan capital of Kabul and the assassination of former Bulgarian prime minister; national events: former president Clinton signing both the Freedom of Information Act and the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty; and locally, the New York Yankees winning the World series. Militant Taliban leaders seizing the Afghan capital of Kabul destroyed an entire city causing survivors to worry for their lives. Former president Clinton signing the …show more content…

He was believed to be involved in political scams and embezzlement. Some people believed those may have been the reasons for his assassination. After criticizing several members for not being reformist enough or had immaculate tendencies, early morning, Lukanov was shot outside of his apartment in both the head and chest (The event calander of Bulgaria.”On this date”, September 26, 2016). Since the lone gunman was never captured and fled the outskirts of Bulgaria, building contracter Angel Vassiliev was arrested for organizing Lukanov assassination. The Bulgarian community did not quite respond to Lukanov’s murder as assumed. Lukanov was not very popular in the elections and many Bulgarians did not agree with his political policies (cite). Therefore, his death was relieving for Bulgaria because they no longer had to worry about the possibility of corruption or politics they disagreed with in their

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