Dining Philosophers Problem: The Dinning Philosopher's Problem

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The Dining Philosopher’s Problem:
The dinning philosopher’s problem is a classic and synchronization problem which used to measure the situation and allocation of multiple processes to multiple resources.
There are 5 chair and one round table in a room and 5 philosopher are sit on the chair and everyone have a bowl of spaghetti and fork is placed near to the each philosopher here we assume that eating is not limited and spaghetti nit left behind infinite supply we assumed. And the rule is each philosopher must on the other hand think and eat. Philosophers eat only when both right and left forks are free or left. And each fork is held by 1 philosopher. And when philosopher is free from eating and put down the forks and now available now for the others. Philosopher grabs the fork on left or right as become available. And can’t start eating until has both of them.

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(2) Arbitrator solution (I) Fork put down on the table is always allowed. (ii) Always get permission to pick up the fork from the table
The Readers Writers Problem
Reader and writer problem are examples of computer simultaneously there are three type of problem which handle many threads which are try to reach or access the resources at the same time in these threads some may able to read and some are writes with constraint no one process can access the recourses which is shared while it’s writing or reading and other process perform writing to it. Data structure of the writer and reader locks resolve the problem of reader and writer. Reader can only read data set and cannot update is done by the writer. And writer can both read and write.
There are the following types of the reader and writer

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