Dimmesdale And Chillingworth In The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Scarlet Letter Essay The Scarlet letter wrote by Nathaniel Hawthorne. This story has 3 main characters name Hester, Dimmesdale, Chillingworth they are related each other, they are many stories happened and in the third scaffold scene, the woman loses her dream, her husband loses his victim, the young man regains his soul In the third scaffold scene, The paragraph that said Dimmesdale regains his soul, it’s mean Dimmesdale confess his obscure that he is pearl's father he just realized that he should stay with them since last seven years ago but he was not there. He let Hester stay alone for a long time. To relieve his guilt, He tries to punish himself. He lives without eating food and sleep for a long time and he also whips himself on his …show more content…

Then he decided to confess his sin, He feels free. He is making his confession with his dying breath, unburdening his soul without having to face the consequences, The confession puts too much stress in his brain and heart he can’t stand anymore then he passed away. So the paragraph that said Pearl gains her humanity, it’s mean in the third scaffold scene, Dimmesdale is saving pearl, He is making her truly human and giving her sympathies and feelings. Pearl lost her independent, Before he passed away, she kisses him and then everything was gone as her tears fell on Dimmesdale cheek, It’s mean that she would grow up as human joy. The paragraph that said Chillingworth loses his victim, it’s mean he always holding Dimmesdale’s on the fire. He doesn't want Hester to bear the brunt of the stigma alone. He does his best to make Dimmesdale accountable. He was the atrocious guy for the reason that he knows everything but he doesn’t want to tell anyone he also has his secret, He disguises. He told Hester to keep his secret and he will keep her secret that Dimmesdale is Pearl's father. The paragraph that said Hester loses her dreams, it’s mean she lost her plan that she

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