Dignity In The Film 'Red Dog' By Louis De Bernieres

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‘Red Dog’ brought back the film Industry’s dignity and produced a film that represented Australians in a successful manner. This movie displayed our true blue traits such as mateship, humour, the famous red dirt, telling stories of the good ol’ days and of course beer. The genre is a drama/comedy, in one scene you are laughing untill your belly hurts and in the next crying. This movie had it all, from amazing cinemetography to down to earth actors making it an award winning film. Based on a true story, written down by Louis de Bernieres (in his book Red Dog), this movie took place in the small town of Dampier on the western coast of Australia. The first scene shows a truck driver named Thomas arriving at a small pub in Dampier late at night. Spotting a silhouette of a gun in the back room, mistaking it for a murder, he rushes to help. Thomas discovers the men are only trying to put down a poisoned dog (Red Dog) but they don’t have the guts to shoot him. They all retreat to the bar and the bartender, Jack …show more content…

They gave off a natural and relaxed vibe, creating down to earth characters going about their day to day lives. Loyalty, well trained and cute are all the dog gone qualities that complete Koko (Red Dog), thus making him outshine all his two-legged friends on the big screen. Josh Lucas played his role paw-fectly! His love for animals shone through when he was with Koko making the interaction during the film more realistic and heartfelt. Rachael Taylor, the city girl, definately made a statement in this film with her clean cut look and trade mark smile. She showed the right amount of emotion and didn’t look awkward in any of the scences. The soundtrack tied in exceptionally with each moment in the film making you laugh, cry, or smile. When the charaters were happy, the music mimicked this feeling and visa versa. Most of the songs played in this film were from Australian singers/bands accomplishing the outback

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