Did Gilgamesh Change After Enkidu's Death?

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Name: Bektur
Surname: Beishembiev
Topic: Does Gilgamesh change after Enkidu's death? If your answer is positive explain how, if your answer is negative explain why. In this essay I will discuss about the main changes of Gilgamesh throughout the epic, especially after the death of his closest friend Enkidu. Does Gilgamesh change after Enkidu's death? My answer is yes because in the beginning of the epic the main hero Gilgamesh was very confident and superior among citizens of Uruk but after Enkidu’s death he started to fear. He understood that death can reach him. Moreover, he decided to go on a far journey to find immortality. Firstly, when reading the beginning of the epic, we can conclude that Gilgamesh is very bad king and …show more content…

Princess was in fury and she went to her father Anu in order to take Bull of Heaven. After taking it, she immediately led it down to the earth. Gilgamesh and Enkidu killed the Bull of Heaven. After this event, gods decided to kill Enkidu. He became weak and suffered twelve days. Finally, he died on the hands of his best friend. Gilgamesh cried wildly and organized the best funeral for him. Then, he went outside the city into the forest. He said to himself: “Must I die too? Must I be as lifeless as Enkidu? How can I bear this sorrow that gnaws at my belly, this bear of death that restlessly drives me onward? If only I could find one man whom the gods made immortal, I would ask him how to overcome death.” (Stephen. M) To what a conclusion we will come after this citation? This is a big question, but mainly Gilgamesh started to fear death because the gods easily killed his friend who was equal to him in power. Maybe he had never imagined himself dying because during his life until Enkidu’s death he thought that he is immortal. Gilgamesh understood that he is not immortal and that death can reach him. Moreover, he decided to go on a long journey in order to find immortality. Finally, he reached his goal and find Utnapishtim who overcame death and was immortal. He said to Gilgamesh that in order to become immortal he has to prove that he is worthy. Utnapishtim said him to stay awake for seven days. Unfortunately, Gilgamesh closed his eyes and slept during the test because he was very exhausted. Utnapishtim said to his wife, “Look at this fellow! He wanted to live forever, but the very moment he sat down, sleep swirled him like a fog. All men are liars. When he wakes up, watch how he tries to deceive us.” (Stephen. M) After failing the test Gilgamesh came

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