Devil's Body: A Film Analysis

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Literary works such as movies, narratives, novels, and shows can all be tied back to a central theme, otherness. Karyn Kusama, Sam Raimi, and Christopher Nolan, all portray the theme of otherness in their work and express this through monsters. “Monsters have always been symbolic creatures, generally representing darkness or evil…The Latin word monstrum, which refers to both a monster and a portent, derives from monere, to warn” (Monsters). Monsters portrayed in movies reflect the evil in today’s culture. Jennifer Check, the Green Goblin, and the Joker can all be described as monsters because they serve as warnings to benefit humanity by teaching moral lessons. An analysis of film reveals otherness in the three frames of gender, race, and social class. “Hell is a teenage girl” (Jennifer’s Body). The movie Jennifer’s Body depicts the typical high school friendship between two teenage girls, but with a twist. This 2009 fantasy/horror film portrays otherness through gender. The film begins by showing the special friendship two teenage girls share. The film is set in “Devil’s Kettle,” where the girls are students in high school. Jennifer Check is the beautiful cheerleader that every guy dreams of hooking up with, however, Anita, otherwise known as “Needy,” is an insecure outsider; however, the two girls do not let high school …show more content…

In 2001, terrorists attacked New York City and killed nearly three-thousand citizens and injured over six-thousand. The Spider-Man movie came out several months later and had an impact on society because of the movie’s counterparts. The Green Goblin caused havoc in his multiple terror attacks on New York City, which accurately represented the same location at the time. By premiering this movie at this devastating time, it gave hope to citizens across the United States because Spider-man symbolized that there is a way to stop these treacherous

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