Devil And Tom Walker Mask Essay

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“Sometimes it’s not the people who change, it is the mask that falls off ” (Unknown). This quote shows that in real life people try to hide imperfections they have by putting on a “mask” that will make them seem flawless. This quote shows that eventually the masks of perfection that people put on, fall off and they are exposed for who they really are. In the the short story, “The Devil and Tom Walker” and the episode of the Twilight Zone, “The Masks” it shows that you can not hide your true self with a mask because eventually that mask will crack and your true self will be shown. This proves that no matter how hard you try to conceal your darker traits, the truth always comes out in the end. In the episode of the Twilight Zone, “The Masks”, Jason’s daughter Emily exhibits that you will always fail at trying to conceal your dark traits. Jason Foster is another character in this episode …show more content…

When the characters are all choosing which mask they would put on, Jason gives Emily a mask that has the face of a “self-centered coward and a gutless flab” (Twilight Zone). Jason picks this mask because it is the the opposite of the figurative mask that she wears everyday. The mask that Jason picks for Emily is her true personality that is under the figurative mask that she puts on to hide her darker traits. Eventually when the night is done and Jason passes away, Emily and her relatives take off their masks only to realize that their faces are stuck looking like the masks that they were given. This exhibits that you can not hide your true personality by acting like someone that you are not because the truth will always come out in the end. Jason is the only character in, “The Masks”, that does not put on a figurative mask. When Emily, Wilfred, Paula, and Wilfred Jr. try to hide their true personalities, Jason knows

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