Developing Nations Differences

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Us Americans have such great living standard that are not present anywhere else in the world, and most of us do not really appreciate our given rights. Developing nations suffer through many hardships so that they may achieve this same living standards. There is a dramatic difference between how we live and how the ones in poorer countries do. The difference is like black and white. Many factors contribute to the government and its rights, the minimum wages these nations provide and the overall living conditions they present. Developed nations are pleasant in innumerable ways since they provide a better life style. One of the main factors that helps provide this in developed nations is the government. Unlike developing nations, the government in a developed nation provide the people with many freedoms, one of them being freedom of religion. For …show more content…

One of the main reasons being that, few developing nations do not have the right to freedom of religion like developed nations do. Being that, if the people want to follow a religion other than the ones that are allowed they will be persecuted for it. Above all, the wages in developing nations are not so pleasant nor enough to live with, for their minimum wage is about $3 a day which is not enough to support a family. Let alone, if the individual were to get sick they would be forced to whether or not they want to eat or spend that money on food for that day. Also, developing nations do not have the most secure or hygienic living conditions, due to the fact that, the houses are not as secure to natural disasters. Secondly, they are infested with rodents and also do not have the everyday things in their house to live by, like for example a laundry machine, shower, microwave, bed etc. Last but not least, the overall living conditions in developing nations are dismal to live

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