Desolation In The Road By Cormac Mccarthy

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In the novel The Road by Cormac McCarthy, chronicles two nameless characters who are surviving in a desolate aftermath of an apocalyptic happening and undergo misery, starvation, and isolation throughout their journey. The unnamed man and his son, the protagonist in the book struggle to live in a terrifying post-apocalyptic world filled with cannibals and marauders. From the start the man has one mystical purpose which is to keep his son alive and what was left of goodness in humanity. He told the boy stories about courage and justice and how the world used to be. Throughout the novel, the man and boy have a powerful relationship in which the man would sacrifice his own life to save his son’s. There is no higher moral compulsion than making ensuring the survival of his son.) He would rather have his son kill himself than be captured by cannibals and endure capture, torture, and cannibalism. while avoiding being eaten by cannibals, the man and his son travel to the south to a warmer climate, and in search for food and supplies. The protagonists face extremely harsh conditions and encounter chaotic situations. Some people can't cope with the changes of the world and choose to leave everything behind and kill themselves. Just like the man’s wife and his son’s mother chose to do by leaving them feeling hopeless and sorrowful. The man made a conscientious effort to keep on living for the only purpose of keeping his son alive. Despite the unreasonable hardships the protagonists encounter, there is little hope for the pair in the devastating world. …show more content…

The man knew that his end was near but the fear of leaving his son alone in the world defenseless kept him going. The son was a constant reminder to his father of what remained of human kindness and together they kept on facing the hardships of what the world had to

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