Designer Babies Research Paper

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Designer Babies Society is beginning to live in a world where parents can decide the future of their children from their intelligence level to immunity towards illnesses. Science is now capable of selecting a desirable offspring that meets a parent's needs. The idea of a designer baby is a relatively new concept in science that increases the ability to control and manipulate a child before birth. This presents many possibilities for improving the health of children through prenatal diagnosis, but these possibilities are connected with potential social repercussions that could have negative consequences in the future. A designer baby is an embryo (an unborn offspring that is still developing) that has been genetically modified to be born with desirable traits using the in-vitro fertilization method. According to The Embryo Project Encyclopedia, the process in which this is done is through in-vitro fertilization (IVF) (Ly). In-vitro fertilization is when an egg is fertilized by sperm outside of the body. This is done in a lab, the physician would look through all the eggs gathered from the mother's …show more content…

An egg that is carrying the desired traits is selected outside of the uterus in a petri dish and then the egg is implanted in the wall of the uterus after it has been fertilized by the father's sperm. This egg will carry the desired traits the parents choose to have in a process called in-vitro fertilization. The traits can vary anywhere from gene carried illnesses to gender. This process is not cheap what so ever, indicating that the future of society is unknown. It could turn into the greatest human division of all time. The increased ability to control and manipulate embryos present a huge advancement in science but could have repercussions in

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