Description and Analysis of the Different Types of Gangs in the US

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Historically, gangs began to develop around the time frame of the 1970’s. Irish gangs have been known to be the first initial gang, followed by the Germans, Jewish, and Italians (Pacheco, 2010, p. 10). Gangs are larger in population and tend to be more prevalent in the United States, compared to other countries. In 2008, statistics showed that there were 20,000 active gangs and more than 1 million gang members in the United States (Pacheco, 2010, p. 12). According to Pacheco (2010) there are different types of gangs. Although these gangs are formed for individual purposes, broken up, they can form a multitude of different types of gangs. There are your traditional gangs (Crips, Bloods). Business, profit gangs, which are generated around financial gains. Hate group gangs, which their purpose is to target different ethnic groups, races or homosexuals. Copycat and delinquent social gangs, which seem to be the least relevant. Street gangs, which are prone to target younger individuals, but the actual ages of the gang members vary. Third generation gangs which are known as “terrorist”. Hybrid gangs are new to this generation, they could be considered the “hipster” of gangs. Then there are prison gangs. They are usually small in population and are structured along an individuals ethnicity (Pacheco, 2010, pp. 12-15). Gangs serve a multitude of purposes for their members. The gang becomes their family. They are able to trust them, rely on them, and the gang gives them a sense of self and importance. Gangs have the ability to offer status, refuge, protection, and opportunity of stigma free life within this population (Tower, 2013, p. 82). In the PBS show Interrupter ex-gang members and ex-gang enforcers joined together ... ... middle of paper ... ...g the culture of youth violence. Retrieved from Tower, C. (2013). Exploring child welfare: A practice perspective (6th ed.). Boston, US: Allyn and Bacon. Walker, R. (2013, October 15). Gangs or us. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from Walker, R. (2013, October 15). Gangs or us. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from Walker, R. (2013, October 15). Gangs or us. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from Walker, R. (2013, October 15). Gangs or us. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from Walker, R. (2013, October 15). Gangs or us. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from

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