Deinonychus Facts

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Deinonychus Facts: Extinct Animals of the World Deinonychus is an extinct dinosaur that belonged to the genus Carnivorous dromaeosaurid coelurosaurian dinosaurs and lived in the early Cretaceous Period which is approximately 115-108 million years ago. The fossil remains of the species Deinonychus antirrhopus were discovered in the US states of Utah, Oklahoma, Montana, and Wyoming. The word Deinonychus has a Greek background suggesting the words “terrible” and “claws.” Their claws were large and formed a sickle shape on the second toe of the rear feet. The species name, antirrhopus, simply means “to counterbalance” thus suggesting the Deinonychus’ long tail which had rigid tendons and bones that supported and balanced the whole body. Paleontologist John Ostrom is credited for researching and writing about the Deinonychus in details. Description In 1969, Ostrom published the name Deinonychus antirrhopus and thereafter a detailed monograph. In his descriptions, the Deinonychus grew to a full length of approximately 11.2 …show more content…

This assumption is also anchored on the fact that then Deinonychus’ preys, tenontosaurs, were way bigger and heavier. However, this theory has been questioned by several sources who base their arguments on the fact that modern-day archosaurs like crocodiles are solitary hunters since these modern species have their own internal conflicts especially because larger members try to dominate. The bite force of the Deinonychus was between 4,100 and 8,200 newtons and could bite through a bone. Different sources believe that the Deinonychus limbs were used to perform different functions like kicking and climbing while the claws might have been used for cutting and disemboweling preys as well as for defense. Though films depict dinosaurs to be very fast animals, measurements of the ratio of the femur to the tibia in the Deinonychus suggest that it was not fast, even compared to the modern

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