Definition Of Success Essay

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Success As We Know It Success isn't something that comes without a trial and error. Everyone has tried and failed, but the feeling when the failure turns into success is one that nobody will ever forget. When people think of success, their brains instantly go in the direction of famous people with load of money, but that is not always the best example. One may be content living in a shack with their unconditionally loving dog, not a worry in mind, and consider themselves as successful. Others may only consider themselves a successful person if they are making over 300,000 dollars per year, living in a 4,000 square foot house and leave with a different set of keys in hand each day. Success is all about perspective, because success is something that people earn; it is not just handed to them like candy on Halloween night. The harder a person works, the more successful they are in the long run. Success, determines one's …show more content…

Most families in the United States who are successful are not overflowing in money, nor are they at the top of the ranks. These families are simply happy with who they are and where their lives are going. Their happiness isn't necessarily dependant on their success but it also may play a huge role in it. Many families will start at the bottom and work their way up to the top of their success scale. Often times, people who are not happy, are not successful. Happiness has a huge impact on the way one's day plays out, and in the long run will ultimately affect one's success. There is nothing that tear apart a family more than negativity and a bad attitude. These two qualities can turn one's success upside down in no time. As long as a family is content with where they are on the success level, their own personal success will only go

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