Definition Essay On Fear

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You’re standing at the entrance, waiting to walk in, heart racing, hand trembling, soul quaking fear pulsates through your body overtaking you like a tsunami. You hesitantly enter the haunted house, wondering why you agreed to go inside in the first place. Then it dawned on you, you have a desire for fear. Fear is defined as the feeling or condition of being afraid, so you wanting to go to a haunted house simply to get scared is a normal thing. Many people do things that appear scary just because it gives them the idea that they are living life to the fullest, but really they just love the idea of being scared. The thirst for fear is humane, everyone has a fear that entices them to be in that kind of situation, for example someone scared of spiders will constantly think they see one, because their mind has altered itself to be ready for that specific moment when they finally find one. But why do our brains manipulate us into thinking we see a snake or a spider, or that …show more content…

Which is where you have to decide to either stay and face the situation or run and never look back. Your emotions, if you are lucky, will be hidden behind logical thinking, this makes it easier to take control and fix the problem. Your emotions, if you are not so lucky, will be overtaking the logical thinking and that will make it difficult to assess the problem. If the body is under enough stress, the result from the emotions is, “highly personalized” (The Psychology of Fear), then the body will 25% of the time develop Post-traumatic Stress (PTSD). PTSD is just where the mind is so shocked by the event that happened that it can either forget everything or remember everything. Depending on the way your mind reacts, you will be the leader and take control or you will be the underdog and run. This is not even the worst of it believe it or not, this is just the

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