Decisions In The Kite Runner And The Road Not Taken

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In the everyday life, everyone is faced with many decisions. Some difficult and others seemingly easy. We see decisions being made in every single, little task performed. Each of both the difficult and easy decisions can impact our future in extreme ways. In “The Road not Taken” by Robert Frost, the narrator has the opportunity to choose which path they would prefer to take. Just as there are decisions and choices that outline your future in “The Road not Taken”, there are also more found in “The Kite Runner” by Khalid Hosseini. Even though Amir and Hassan were both raised together, the choices they made have different lasting impacts. Each character, not only those two, is faced with some kind of decision, whether it is a …show more content…

Not being able to take the guilt and pain any longer, Amir decided to lie and eventually pushed Hassan and his father, Ali out. Amir tried to make the decisions he previously made turn out for the better, but resulted in more pain and guilt, through both Baba and not having Ali or Hassan there, because of the decisions he made. This action led to the boys not seeing one another and Amir not seeing the smiling boy he used to see everyday “The next time I saw him smile unabashedly like that was twenty-six years later, in a faded Polaroid photograph.” (Hosseini 67). They were separated all because of Amir's selfish attitude from guilt and pain. Separation from painful decisions appeared to be a recurring theme especially throughout both the “The Kite Runner” and “The Rich Brother”. Irrational decisions with money led Donald to make poor decisions in the future with he and Peter’s brotherhood. “That was the real issue between them. Pete prospered and Donald did not prosper.” (Wolff 306), resulting in the conflict between the

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