Death In Gaza Movie: Death In Gaza

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Death in Gaza Death in Gaza is a documentary about the ongoing battle between Israeli and Palestinian forces who were both trying to gain control. The film was made by James Miller who focused primarily on the children who were affected and found themselves caught in the middle. Miller helped share the story of many people during his trip such as children as young as 12, who were dedicated to their beliefs and values. He shares their everyday lives, their living situation, and their families. The story is further deepened when the film proceeds to follow the conflict through the eyes of three Palestinian children, Mohammed (12), Ahmed (12) and Najla (16). Ahmad is Mohammed’s best friend. When the film begins, despite being surrounded by tanks and guns, ruin and debris, the children seem to be no different than the children around the world. Like I did as a kid, we played similar games although instead of “Cops and Robbers” they choose to call it “Jews and Arabs”. It is defined as those persons who are important to someone’s life and they can affect their emotions, behavior, and sense of self. This can be either a romantic partner, a family member, a close friend, or a mentor. The film shows the relationship between Mohammad and Ahmad. The two spend a lot of time together and they look after each other like brothers. Significant others have shaped my life as well. I had dated someone for 3 years, and I saw good things about myself that I didn’t know existed. When we were happy I saw the simple joys in life that I had once forgotten before and we became happier people and despite our own mental illnesses we saw light in each other. We took care of each other just like Mohammad and Ahmad took care of each other. They made each other happy and lived their lives despite the war stricken area they were living in. They saw

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