A Case For Tragic Optimism By Victor Frankl

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Death. Only two things are certain in life, death, and taxes. As the Human condition is concerned death is directly related to mortality. Mortality is in a sense the focus of all human existence. In most cases, the human mind inadvertently neglects this concept. In the true depth of mortality is hidden behind a shroud of humor. In the inquisitive, the brain creates a logical fallacy to cope with the concept. The basis of the human condition is mortality. The main points of the human condition are birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality. Birth, growth, and aspiration all stem from the concept of mortality. The radiant feelings associated with birth are directly proportional to the enveloping darkness of death. Without …show more content…

Construint by Efrai is a sculpture of a boy made out of blocks creating a tower of blocks. This is the obvious the unobvious deeper meaning of this piece is the human condition. He is using the experiences of his life( the blocks he is made of) to construct a tower of growth. In the end, all of the growth and life experiences will only be seen in the experiences of future generations as mortality is final yet growth is infinite. A Case For Tragic Optimism by Victor Frankl states “ With the increase of the imperative urge of hunger all individual differences will blur, and in their stead will appear the uniform expression of the one instilled urge.”The one urge this piece discusses is the urge to exist. The basis of human nature is to avoid mortality. All of the experiences of life will blur and all that remains is the urge to exist. Aspiration in life is the desire for experiences and knowledge before the time of life is over. Life is full of aspiration because without aspiration, life is an endless decay into In Chapter 34: Thirst of the Buddhist sacred text The Dhammapada states “ A creature's pleasures are extravagant and luxurious; sunk in lust and looking for
The pleasure-seeking behaviors in life are the behaviors that lead to the end of

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