Dean Winchester Suffering

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“Nobody Cares That You’re Broken”: A Psychological Evaluation on Dean Winchester

At the age of four, Dean Winchester’s fair shot at life was stripped away from him via a house fire that took the life of his mother, Mary Winchester. During this, Dean was made the protector of his younger brother Sam Winchester when his father, John Winchester, commanded that Dean run out of the burning house with a baby in his arms. In the aftermath of this event, John took his two sons for a life on the road that he kept vaguely recorded. An excerpt from John Winchester’s journal from December 4th of 1983 states the following: “Am I protecting them? Am I hurting them? I haven’t let them out of my sight since the fire. Dean still hardly talks… He never budges …show more content…

There are many moments in his life where he has used denial, the rejection of painful memories, events or experiences, in order to get through the day, but the most telling comes from his first interaction with a character named Castiel. This stranger walked into Dean’s life with claims that he had direct connections to God, who saved Dean’s life because he still had a purpose to serve in the world. Despite the fact that there were no other explanations for Dean’s miraculous return from certain death after an accident, except for divine intervention, he refuses to believe that such a thing could ever happen. Dean denies the existence of God and the existence of beings like Castiel, who display supernatural power, but most of all will not accept the idea that God could ever care enough about him to allow him to live. Castiel attempts to assure him that good things can happen in his life, but ultimately sees the lack of self worth in Dean’s expression. “You don’t think you deserve to be saved.” is one of the first things Castiel says to Dean, a claim which he denied for many

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