Dead Presidents Movie Essay

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The movie Dead Presidents is a Drama film. The Film has a wide variety of actors which included Larenz Tate(Antony Curtis), Chris Tucker(Skip) ,Keith David(Kirby) and Freddy Rodriguez(Jose) and N’Bushe Wright(Delilah Benson). In the Film Larenz Tate is the main character who plays Antony Curtis who is a young man fresh out of high school working two jobs one as a milkman and the other as a hustle man taking numbers. After graduating high school he realized if he stayed in Bronx his surroundings would bring him down. While working numbers for Kirby who is his boss he realizes that he needs to get away. Skip is Antony best friend who also graduated high school with him. He also has to make the decision to leave Bronx or stay and be brought down by the streets. Kirby who is the boss of Antony is an drug dealer and gambler who owns a little …show more content…

After watching the movie a second time it gave me a better understanding about life decisions that the characters had to make out of high school which would affect their life for the rest of their life. Even though the characters went to war to serve their country, they still were not accepted by society when they came back to the United States. The film showed me that drugs had a negative effect on society and was destroying the United States. The film also showed me that the Vietnam War was one of the worst wars in American History. I had a better understanding of life the film made me realize that life is not promise and make the right decisions. The way that African Americans were betrayed in the movie, I didn’t like because they were betrayed in a negative and never positive. The Actors in the movie were either Pimps, Number Runners or Drug dealers. The main character on the other hand did something positive with his life but by the end of the movie we realize that wasn’t good enough and society brings him

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