Dbq On Enlightenment

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During the Enlightenment, it was a time when educated intellectuals came together to discuss political, religious, economic, and social questions. From these discussions some people questioned the types of monarchies and which would be better for the society. These people were revolutionary thinkers that became known as philosophes, or philosophers, who brought new ideas on how to better understand and improve their society. They were all modern thinkers who had the best interest in society. Although each philosopher had their own individual ideas, they all focused on one common theme, which was equality and human rights. The philosopher’s main idea of equality can be seen through the ideas and thoughts of Voltaire and Mary Wollstonecraft. In Document B it says “If one religion only were allowed in England, the government would very possibly become arbitrary (unrestrained); if there were but two, the people would cut one another’s throats; but as there are such a multitude, they all live happy and in peace.” Voltaire, a French Enlightenment philosopher, says if religious choice is restricted then bitterness arises and different religious groups will go after each other's throats. He believes that if freedom of religion is John Locke’s ideas on creating a government by the people and Voltaire’s ideas on practicing any religion shows how many enlightenment philosophers wanted people to live peacefully with others and the society. The ideas of many philosophers helped shape the capitalist, democratic world in which we live today. Today's government was created with a legislative and executive branch, like what Locke suggested and women have more rights, such as getting education and jobs that are same as those of men. Enlightenment philosophers main ideas on increasing human rights and equality helped create a better society during the Enlightenment period and

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