Dbq Declaration Of Independence

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Many people, like myself, know what the Declaration of Independence meant for people in back between the 1760-70’s. It declared a separation from Great Britain’s control. What others may not know is the history behind it. There were various reasons Americans wanted to break free from under British control such as: not wanting to live under a monarchy, to protect people’s rights and the desire to build a new nation. At the time, King George III was in control. He had opposed the American colonists’ desire for independence. It was as if he forced his policies on America and was considered an extremely inflexible tyrant. His policies made a lot of colonists angry and the rebellion began rapidly. One of the first major oppositions began with the Stamp Act in 1765. This act was meant to raise profit for establishing a British army in America. The colonists …show more content…

While Americans were struggling for their rights, King George only saw it as a rebellion in the colonies. All of the complaints that the colonists had were being ignored. Americans were tired of the overruling and unfair authority that Great Britain had over them. In an effort to vocalize the concerns, Thomas Paine wrote a fifty-page pamphlet called, Common Sense. Authors, Schweikart and Allen (2004) explained that Paine argued that the loyalty they had for the king has already ended. “The blood of the slain, the weeping voice of nature cries, ‘Tis Time to Part (p. 80).’” His book, which sold more than a hundred thousand copies, would also be used as an introduction to Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence in July 1776. The First Continental Congress was something I would consider as a courtesy. Slowly but surely, they began to eliminate British authority in the colonies. The first measure was sending complaints straight to the King. Their complaints were overlooked but this did not stop the desire of freeing themselves from

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