Addressing Obesity: Personal Responsibility vs Fast Food Blame

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Obesity in America is a rising situation. The issue keeps getting more controversial and many people are blaming the fast food restaurants for this problem people are facing. Radley Balko the author of “What You Eat is Your Business” explains that no one should have a say on what people eat. The government plays a big role in trying to tell people what they can, and cannot eat. Balko explains how the government should not have any say so on what people choose to eat. David Zinzeko the author of “Don’t Blame the Eater” explains how it is not their fault they are obese. Instead, they are blaming the fast food restaurants for making them obese because of the small options they have are healthy. In my personal opinion, the government should have no choice in what we eat. Fast food companies should not be blamed for making people fat when people make the choice to go there knowing that it is not healthy. Both articles talk about how obesity has affected many lives. One article talks more about how people should be told …show more content…

“Shouldn’t we know better than to eat two meals a day in fast-food restaurants?... but where exactly are consumers particularly teenagers supposed to find alternatives… drive down any thoroughfare in America, and I guarantee you will see more than 13,000 McDonald’s… now drive back up the block and try to find someplace to buy a grapefruit” (463). The information Zinczenko has stated is very valid. There are not many healthy options to choose from when you are wanting a quick meal. American’s can not be blamed for being fat or obese when we have no healthy options instead, we just have 13,000 McDonald’s to choose from. Zinzenko is informing that obese people can not be blamed for being fat when we have a lack of healthy fast food restaurants to choose

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