David Suzuki The Sacred Balance

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Additionally, Suzuki made tremendous efforts to reform Canada’s environment through his major works as an author and environmental activist. He has written over 60 books, that consists of children’s books and autobiographies. His most significant book is The Sacred Balance. The book was published in 1997. In The Sacred Balance, Suzuki investigates human culture's effect on the world, for the planet and the general population living on it. Suzuki uncovers how reliant mankind is upon the Earth's water, soil, daylight, and the breath of its vegetation. ‘Every breath is a sacrament, an affirmation of our connection with all other living things, a renewal of our link with our ancestors and a contribution to generations yet to come. Our breath is a part of life's breath, the ocean of air that …show more content…

As a result, people are starting to use more biodiesel for their automobiles and new discoveries are made to prolong the our existence. Suzuki has taken his plan to next level by creating a non-profit organization, The David Suzuki Foundation. The David Suzuki Foundation came to be when ‘17000 shocked listeners wrote letters to David Suzuki,’ seeking resolutions to prevent ‘environmental catastrophe’. The purpose of the foundation is to identify the needs to reform the environmental crisis in Canada. ‘Early projects focused on fisheries, forestry and species at risk.’ Since Canada has some of the world’s worst fisheries, in terms of sustainability, Suzuki’s foundation thought about making fisheries sustainable on all of Canada’s oceans, and freshwater lakes and rivers. The foundation works with employees throughout the fish supply chain, and influences the laws and policies around Canadian fisheries to prevent seafood fraud. They also have their own scientists on government committees that manage the whole operation to make sure they don’t abuse the health

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