David Foster Wallace's This Is Water

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David Foster Wallace asserts in his commencement speech “This is Water,” that each individual in the world believe that they are “the absolute center of the universe, the realest, most vivid and important person in existence.” He talked about how people are just born to think about themselves first and that it is their “default-setting”. People do not think about what situation other people are going through because they only think about their pressing needs and wants. He encouraged that people should think and pay attention to others and see things from a different perspective. If people stop thinking that they are the main attention and that everything revolves around them, then they will be able to acknowledge the beauty in those around …show more content…

Being selfless is “caring more about other people’s needs and interests than about your own,” as defined by Cambridge Dictionaries Online. An example of selflessness is as simple as volunteering. Volunteering has many benefits. Joanna Saisan, a masters in social work and Melinda Smith, a masters in arts, mentioned that volunteering helps one connect with others. “Volunteering is a great way to meet new people [and] also strengthens your ties to the community and broadens your support network.” It helps a person make new friends and it is good for increasing the number of people one can fall back to when they need someone to listen to their problems. It is also helpful with building one’s social and relationship skills. “[Volunteer service] gives [a person] the opportunity to practice and develop social skills” (Saisan and Smith). Another benefit is that it is good for one’s physical and mental well-being. “Volunteering can provide a healthy boost to your self-confidence, self-esteem, and life satisfaction.” Helping others gives the person a sense of accomplishment and will make one feel better about themselves. They would probably see a new and gratifying perspective of their life

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