David Foster Wallace Rhetorical Structure

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Structure has the ability to make or break a speech regardless of the speaker. There are many ways to structure a speech from topical structure to sequence which has many sub-structures underneath each overall arching structure types. Wallace leaves his audience with a sense of completion through the way Wallace seamlessly connects his early example of the the two young fish and older fish to his overall claim and evidence. He speaks in a conversational tone which appeals to broader audiences, yet his use of rhetorical devices reveals a complex argument that reveals convincing evidence as a certain system. Wallace uses the sequence: narrative structure to tell a story. Story telling is a very effective tool because it can bring a a concept …show more content…

The more I analyze Wallace’s speech I fall more in love with the concept of this is water and feel deeply connected to him as he gives this commencement speech. There is a reason that this speech has an effect on me as well as many of the listeners of this speech. David Foster Wallace’s speech structure and the overall purpose help convey his messages in such a way that ties himself with the students, almost as if he steps out if his shoes and into the shoes of the graduates. Wallace beautifully focuses his central argument around the idea of selfishness that we are all hard wired with – “There is no experience you have had that you are not the absolute center of. The world as you experience it is in front of YOU, or behind YOU, to the left and right of YOU, on YOUR TV or YOUR monitor. And so on” (Paragraph 9). During this portion of the speech his vocal tone changes and his use of enthymemes help his audience realize that this issue of selfishness is strictly our problem and how we must correct that is through “self awareness”. I believe that the tone of the entire speech is vital to understand if one wants to take in Wallace’s ideas and further practice them. I argue that many humans learn through repetition thus Wallace, in his speech, emphasizes his

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