David And Goliath Essay

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Malcolm Gladwell once said,“Courage is not something that you already have that makes you brave when the tough times start. Courage is what you earn when you’ve been through the tough times and you discover they aren’t so tough after all.” This perfectly describes the story of David and Goliath. This parable expresses courage, trust in God, and self-belief when David defeats the giant, Goliath. Throughout this passage in the Old Testament, we are able to see the power that God has and how it affects each and every one of us. The story of David and Goliath illustrates God’s power and the strength and trust that we must convey in him.

This story opens up as Israel and the Philistines are facing off in a brutal war. David’s father, Jesse, sent
Different lessons that are present are The Lord calls whom He will call, Right is better than might, The lord prepares his servants, and be yourself. The first lessons to learn from David is The Lord calls whom He will call. This means that the Lord can make who he wants into his instrument. It is up to us to be willing to accept that call and act as God wants us to. David shows this lesson by being willing to fight on the behalf of God. The second lesson is right is better than might. This lesson explains how David had the strength of the Lord behind him. It expresses that being on the right side of the Lord makes you stronger than anything. This is shown in the story when the underdog, David, defeats the monstrous giant, Goliath. The third lesson is The Lord prepares his servants. The says that each small challenge you face and beat prepares you for future challenges. God gives us the strength to face any challenges that may be presented to us. He will always be with us to accomplish what we are faced with. The last lessons is that The Lord will call whom he will call. This says that when you honor who you are and don’t pretend you are something else, you will be more successful. This applied to this story when God calls David to fight Goliath. It is clear that David was not expected to win this battle when looking at strength and size. God still chooses David to fight this battle because he knew he has the courage to

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