Dautapur Saturia Research Paper

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Dautapur Saturia Tornado

Imagine driving home from a long day at work and all of a sudden, the beautiful blue sky with fluffy cotton candy looking white clouds and a bright yellow sun. Disappear. Then the sky starts to turn grey, the clouds start to spread all over the sky and then, lower to the ground. The speed of the wind begins to pick up, not only does that make things more horrifying but also then you realize you’re in the face of a tornado. However, the terror you would have felt is nothing compared to what the people in Dautapur-Saturia felt when the worst tornado hit on, April 26, 1989. Tornados can be deadly, costly, and horrifying.

Dautapur Saturia tornado was one of the most deadly tornados that had ever hit. However, the tornado its self was not what caused extra damage. Houses were easily uprooted because they poorly built. Dautapur Saturia had odd weather one day it was cold and windy, the next day the sun was so hot it burned peoples skin. On April 26, 1989, the tempter got just right for a tornado to form, not to cold, not to warm, just right. …show more content…

It swiped away town’s whole, worth millions of dollars. The tornado was over a mile long. It had injured over 12,000 people, left more than 80,000 people homeless, and taken the lives of over 1,300 others. In addition, because of its poorly built homes the tornado could not be rated the fajita scale. Just a strong gust of wind could knock over a house and kill the people inside. Can you just imagine all the damage and deaths that the tornado had

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