Importance Of Information Informatics

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Informatics in health care is a very interesting class, it is basically how data and information combine to share among organizations, individuals, and other entities in a secure manner on an information technology (IT) platform. There are numerous topics that are very interesting, however the three that is most vitals are: Data, electronic health record and (EHR). It is very important to understand where one is coming from in order to know the destination. Therefore, it is important to know that before informatics was around, one has been collecting patients’ data for decades. Data, is where informatics all began, one has been collecting patients’ data such as name, date of birth, address, social security number, weight, height, among other …show more content…

In the storage room these were personnel hired to maintain such room by filing patients’ data in an alphabetical order. When patients’ data were necessary for health care professions to retrieve someone from the storage unit would required to find such data for the heath care personnel, this is where data all started. Collecting and storing data has come along way and in order to appreciate the improvement, one would need to know where it is coming from. Data is still store on some main frame computers today, and other storage place such as the cloud which is one of the hot topic for health care organizations. It is very important to ensure that patients’ data are being stored in a very secure way so as to prevent unauthorized personnel from gaining access to it. Likewise, when it comes to the sharing of such data. Data that is being stored …show more content…

This is such a vital part of health care information system today that when there is a problem with the electronic medical record system in an organization everyone is at the loss not sure what to do. However, before EHR, there was another medical system called paper charting which is becoming obsolete. There are so many advantages of using EHR for example, easy retrieval of patients’ data and information. Patients’ information can now be retrieved and reviewed by the click of a button. Gone are the days when patients have to wait two to three weeks to pick up a hard copy of an X-ray for another doctor to review. Health information can now be readily available in electronic form whether by a thumb drive or via sharing of information by health care providers. Another beauty of EHR is that fact that patients’ entire health history can be retrieved by a click of a button, especially if they having been going to the same doctor for a number of years. Hospitals and other healthcare facilities are now able to update patients’ medical history within minutes of their arrival. Health care professionals are now able to see what medications patients are taking or was taking, what specialist they have been seeing. These are just some of the beauties of having an EHR in an organization. Before electronic medical record, doctors and other healthcare professions would have to send a clerk to search through a pile of

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