Dan Houser Research Paper

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My hero is Dan Houser because he is the founder/owner of RockStar Game, Developer/Producer, and how smart he is. Dan Houser was born in London, England, United Kingdom, 1974. He is the son of Walter Houser a British lawyer and Geraldine Moffat an actress, he is also the brother of Sam Houser. He received his education from St Paul’s School in London and Oxford University. In 1995 he worked with BMG Interactive testing CD-ROMS for part-time, it was not until 1996 he received a full time job with BMG Interactive. Dan and Sam later became interested in a video game called Race'n'Chase which was a game being developed by DMA Design after getting a preview of the game. The Housers signed Race'n'Chase to BMG Interactive as the publisher and changed the name of the game to Grand Theft Auto. Following the sale of BMG Interactive to Take-Two in 1998, Houser and his brother moved with the company to New York, where they founded Rockstar …show more content…

He started to write GTA learning more about what goes into making video games. The GTA series took a huge hit with success in 2001 with a shift to 3D in Grand Theft Auto III, in which brought a huge change in modern video games. With the game’s combination of deep and detailed atmosphere, free-form gameplay with a gritty social satire delivered a sense of freedom and place never before seen in video games. The game earned multiple awards, including Outstanding Achievement in Game Design, and Outstanding Achievement in Gameplay Engineering from AIAS. After GTA III being a huge hit the next GTA after the next, each one was better than the last with graphics, audio, gameplay, story lines, and much more with just simple ideas that Dan and Sam Houser had together. The more that Dan did with video games the more he was able to do with writing them and developing them into a better game with each new game that Rockstar Games puts

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