Damien, The Lost Hero

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*_"Don’t forget I’m just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her." – Notting Hill_* Her eyes opened hesitantly, gazing around the shadows formed by the towering trees that surrounded if she narrowed her eyes, she could see a village that glowed with festivity celebrations. “It worked!” She gasped, eyes widening. She had only heard the stories of Earth from Deletrear’s stories but none of them compared to the real thing. Then again, this also meant she was one step closer to finding Damien; the real protector of Shen Sheyel. She still wore the attire of her world, not bothering to change any bit of it. It would hardly be noticeable. She could see village lights in the distance. Deletrear had once told her that the inhabitants of Earth were eerily similar to then Shen Shelians. Hopefully, this meant they dressed the same too. Wanting her story to seem accurate, she began tearing herself up. She scratched her skin with her nails, tearing her dress wherever she could find it easiest. She shook her head wildly, allowing strands of hair to fall fully out of place. She then dropped to her knees in the dirt, rubbing her hands in the dirt before rubbing some of it upon herself. She was being stained with blood as she finished, from her nails. It was not a lot, but it was just enough to sting. Nadia bit her lip, wondering if her father would be a bit frustrated, as he had told her to be careful when it came to her blood. “It was for his return,” She nodded in confirmation to herself. She gazed down at her now dirtied body and could not help but smile, even if the slightest bit. There was no doubt in her mind that her idea, once she found him, would not work. Nadia bit her lip, eyes gazing around to find a way d... ... middle of paper ... ...the family at one time. There was six people in the painting; two adults in the back smiling down at the four younger children, especially at the third child, who was holding a baby, probably no older than a month or so. That was when the horrid memories began coming back. Quinton walked around, holding his dagger out in front of him with his rough hands, noticing the childish drawings around him. He saw many pictures and valuables, but none of it made any sense to him. It was greatly confusing. Over and over, he saw six names on doors, frames, and on all the drawings. There was Darren, Maiyna, Tieran, Cosette, Jinsu, and Nadia. Quinton could not help but wonder who these people were. Of course, he knew Nadia, for, they had just met, but these names. They seemed very familiar, but he could not tell where he knew them. Whoever they were, they had to be important.

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