Dallas Buyers Club Essay

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A Transformation The film Dallas Buyers Club was set in the 1980’s at the height of the AIDs hysteria in Dallas Texas. The movie follows the life of Ron Woodroof, a drug shooting, bigoted cowboy. His world is turned upside-down when he is diagnosed with full blown AID. When the doctors give him one month to live, his initial reaction is denial. As the film progresses, and he is forced to come to terms with his illness, a miraculous transformation takes place. By the end of the movie, Woodroof had become new man. This film tells story of a miserable homophobic loser who overcame immense odds in his transformation into a conscientious, altruistic man. The AIDs epidemic of the 1980’s represented a turning point in the visibility of the American gay community. It was a crisis that opened millions of eyes to the reality of gays being members of American families and communities. It also sparked a wave of paranoia and homophobia that swept the nation. One of these ignorant homophobes was Ron …show more content…

They give him one month to live. His initial response to this grim news was denial: “There ain't nothin' out there can kill fuckin' Ron Woodroof in 30 days... I don’t even know any fucking faggots. I’m a fucking rodeo mother fucker”(Dallas Buyers Club). This initial state of denial is replaced by anger and fear when he learns that sharing needles can also transmit aids. Once he accepts that he has AIDs, he returns to the hospital, and asks for treatment. The doctors tell him that treatment options are nonexistent, and the one drug that might help has not been approved by the FDA. When they tell him about a support group that might be able to hep he relies, “I’m dying and you tell me to hang out with a bunch of faggots”(Dallas Buyers Club). This bigoted sentiment was destined to change however, as he struggled to save his life in the face of tremendous

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