DOVE Campaign For Real Beauty Article Summary

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Kimberly Bissell suggests that the media is one of the numerous probable factors that is related to the increase of eating disorders in females. The goal of the study was to evaluate the different women’s views about beauty standards by utilizing a few variables: exposure to thin-ideal models, social correlation and societal views of slenderness. In this study, the DOVE Campaign for Real Beauty used an image of a model and three manipulated images of the same model to test the participant’s evaluations of the model. Then, they examined the participants’ level of self-inconsistency and societal views of thinness to assess if the campaign was adequate in influencing the way women see beauty in themselves and in others. According to Bissell, the aftermath of the study suggested that the “societal standards for beauty require an almost impossible standard for thinness, and women are left with psychological dispositions that lead them to engage in dangerous eating and exercise behavior” (Bissell 6). After this study was done, the DOVE Campaign for Real Beauty decided that they needed to make a change. The DOVE company created a film to bring awareness about …show more content…

Bissell researched this topic to further educate individuals that, “unrealistic images of women have increased the number of body-shaming cases” (Bissell 16). She claims that the media has published unrealistic perceptions of the “perfect” body that women cannot achieve. The shocking finding from this study was that even though women “acknowledge that the photographs of models in advertisements” are retouched, they still seem “to be inclined to believe that this impossible standard is still ideal for themselves” (Bissell 27). The author provides evidence to prove that the media is pushing an improbable body image towards women that affects their

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