Curley's Wife Isolation

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Isolation on the Ranch Many on the ranch have experienced isolation from the rest, just because of their gender, race, or age and abilities. Curley's wife, Candy, and Crooks have all experienced isolation. One character who is isolated is Curley's wife. Curley's wife is the only female on the ranch, she is isolated and has no one to talk to besides her husband. Her husband’s negative conversation starters do not help her lonesome feelings either. Curley’s wife’s effort to get close and talk to the men on the ranch drives them even farther away from her. Mostly Curley’s wife tends to talk in a flirty like manner and gives “the eye” to the men on the ranch. Curley’s wife said “Why can’t I talk to you? I never talk to nobody. I get awful lonely” …show more content…

Not only is Candy very old but he is also an amputee. Candy was told to put his dog down to sleep because he is useless old and is suffering by living, that reflects Candy in a way. Candy, just as his dog, is getting very old and is losing the ability to be able to work as much. Candy said to Lennie and George “ you’ll let me hoe the garden even after I aint no good at it” (Steinbeck 60). this expression shows his fear of being left and thrown away. Candy is afraid of being tossed to the side and be useless without any purpose of life. Candy has an impairment that does not let him work with others. When his dog was put to sleep, he does not have much will to live and is scared for the future. Candy was not alone in this feeling of …show more content…

Crooks is a disabled black old man who works and lives in the stable. Crooks once said to Lennie, “they play cards in there, but I can’t play because I'm black. They say I stink. Well, I tell you, all of you stink to me” (Steinbeck 68). this shows anger and doubts against people as he believes they are there to harm him. Crooks has a disabled back due to a horse kicking his back while at work, in fact, that is how he got his name. The main reason for Crook’s isolation is because of the color of his skin. Crooks is not only left aside from activities but he is left in the stable to live along with with the animals instead of sleeping with the men in the bunkhouse. Crooks was thrown and harmed so much that he believes that he should not trust anyone and that he will never be accepted in

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