Curley's Wife Analysis Essay

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Curly’s wife, a tart with an eye or a lonely, depressed woman. According the male characters in the book Of Mice and Men, Curley’s wife is seen as a woman who cheats and wants to sleep around with everyone. However, I think there is another side to the story. One reason is that from the book Of Mice and Men the character Candy says, “An’ Curley’s pants is just crawlin’ with ants,” (page 51). Another reason is Curley’s wife says Crooks, “Think I like to stick in that house all the time?” (page 77). Finally, my last reason a worker on the ranch, George says, “Ranch with a bunch of guys on it ain’t no place for a girl, specially like her.” With these reasons this is why I think Curley’s wife’s personality is misinterpreted. The fact that Curley is known to enjoy starting fights by the other workers on the ranch is my first theory on his wife’s depression. She also says to Lennie, who had fought with Curley, “I’m glad you bust up Curly a little bit. Sometimes I’d like to bust him myself.” This leads to a point that Curley maybe abusing his wife. In the story, Slim tells Curley’s wife that he had seen Curley heading to their house looking for her, she seems to not be able to get out of the room …show more content…

The book doesn’t mention Curley’s wife having any friends or family that would visit her. However, the book mentions quite often how she would visit the other workers claiming to be looking for her husband. With this point, it seems instead of flirting, Curley’s wife is looking for attention that her husband doesn’t give enough of. In the story when she says, “They left all the weak ones here,” (page 77) I don’t believe she was talking about Candy, or the other workers still there. It seems that she knows her place as a woman and when her husband leaves for a ‘good time’ she is left behind. In result her flirting perhaps be a

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