Cultural Messages In The Great Gatsby

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How Does Baz Luhrman’s 2013 Production Of The Great Gatsby Reimagine Fitzgerald’s Classic Characters And Cultural Messages For A Modern Audience?
The Australian film director, screenwriter and producer; Baz Luhrman is vastly renowned for his remarkable productions of bewildering visuals, extravagant techniques and aggravated portrayal of reality. These constituents are particularly apparent within Luhrman’s recreation of the paradigmatic writings by F. Scott Fitzgerald, within the Great Gatsby, through the re-imagination of classic characters and development of cultural messages for a contemporary audience. The narrative presented is depicted through the recollections of Nick Carraway, a World War I veteran, receiving treatment for alcoholism …show more content…

Within the film, West Egg and its denizens represent the newly rich, whilst East Egg and its denizens, particularly Daisy and Tom, represent the old aristocracy. Luhrman presents these people of the newly rich as being rather vulgar, gaudy, ostentatious, and lacking in social graces and taste. This notion is particularly apparent in the depiction of Jay Gatsby and the spoils of his luxurious and decadent lifestyle, this has been achieved through the profound set development in the production of a monstrously ornate mansion, of epic proportions; resembling his life of inordinate decadence and excess, yet is unable to secure ultimate happiness. Contrastingly, epitomized by the Buchanans’ is the old aristocracy with demonstration of grace, taste, subtlety, and elegance, demonstrated through the tasteful home and the flowing white dresses of Daisy and Jordan Baker. The East Eggers however prove themselves to be rather careless, and inconsiderate bullies with their profound resources, which are demonstrated to relinquish them of all accountability and human morality. Luhrman through the Buchanans towards the conclusion of this film, where after Daisy had killed Myrtle, they simply move to a new residence, far away rather than condescend to attend Gatsby’s funeral; allowing them to remove themselves of the tragedy not only physically but psychologically. This also demonstrates the character of Jay Gatsby, though his recent wealth derives from criminal activity, he is of sincere and loyal heart, ironically it is these characteristics that are the cause of his death, taking blame for the killing of Myrtle rather than allowing Daisy Buchannan to be

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