Cultural Definition Of Culture

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Culture, no doubt one of the most complex words of the English language, for years, scholars debated its definition. Clarifying what culture means in this essay or what culture means in an Intercultural respect would be to start by defining what it is not. Culture does not refer to products of the intellectual and artistic elites, or “high-culture”, nor does it refer Lady Gaga’s dress sense or Miley Cyrus’s Twerking or otherwise known as “pop-culture” both examples of such culture are merely aesthetics , for all intents and purposes of this essay, culture will be operationally defined as an ambiguous set of values, assumptions, beliefs about directions to life, procedural and behavioral norms that influence individuals with held membership, giving meaning from an interpretation of form with respect to others (Spencer-Oatey 2008), it is a distinct collective organization of the mind that discerns one group from another (Hofstede 1994).
Defining culture gives us a basis from which to work towards intercultural interactions. Traditional thoughts of culture usually assume that culture is enclosed, self-contained, distinct, and the community has a high homogeneity, that is people are primarily part of one culture (Welsch 1999). Now it is becoming increasingly clear that culture is a complex, sophisticated, massive, interwoven set of confounding variables of which a single person has multiple or a hybrid membership of, additionally it is imperative that these cultural values and beliefs are translated properly to another set of such beliefs in an intercultural exchange if violated, pragmatic failure occurs thus resulting in unintended insult or shame.
The aim of this paper is to discuss Politeness theory, their applicability to differe...

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...s in intercultural studies all have etic and emic elements but cannot claim the absolutes of cultural universality or relativity because they all bear a similar factor, that is culture requires humans, and culture evolved with humans with respect to their needs and what the environment allows. Politeness is then not merely an utterance as response to appease the other; it requires an understanding of psychological fundamentals of human needs, such as Maslow’s Hierarchy with added modules of cultural specific knowledge, positive and negative face reveals the base human needs to be loved and belong, as well as to be able to pursue what they want, culture then largely forms an inclination without the necessitation. Most of all when engaging in intercultural communication, individual differences should be accounted for over cultural ones, please do allow for exceptions.

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