Cruelty Of Women In Macbeth Essay

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In Macbeth, several characters act with cruelty. However, it is mainly the women in the play who are seen as evil. They are seen as equal, allowed to be just as cruel and ambitious as the men in the play. In this time period, women were expected to be lovely and chaste, and how the women in Macbeth act goes entirely against that. The women in the play are the sources of evil, violence, and ambition, making it a misogynistic and yet empowering tale for women.
The three witches are the ones to inspire Macbeth’s cruel actions. The root of his behavior is seen plainly in the witches’ prophecy, “All hail Macbeth, thane of Glamis! All hail Macbeth, thane of Cawdor! All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!” (6). They tell him he is going to be king, and that he shall be greater. The words of the witches spike Macbeth’s interest in having more power, and he becomes obsessed with the idea of it. Furthermore, the idea of being king that the witches provide not only sparks Macbeth’s behavior, but also maintains it. Their future …show more content…

She is the one to come up with the plots against Duncan and Banquo, and she in the one to hide it all, even better than her husband could. Lady Macbeth however, does not rely on violence to be just a cruel and ambitious as her husband. She relies on manipulation and deception to plot the deaths of people more powerful than herself. She frequently berates her husband for not doing things the way she planned. She even has to fix the daggers in King Duncan’s murder because Macbeth was too wrought with guilt to do it himself, “Alack, I am afraid they have awakened And tis not done: the attempt and not the deed Confound us. Hark! I laid their daggers ready; he could not miss ‘em. Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done’t” (21). This shows that women can be just as cruel as men, and just as condescending. It also shows Shakespeare portraying men as emotion-ridden and women as

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