Cruelty In Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

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In the lord of the flies novel written by William Golding the characters are faced with several obstacles that leads them to have unfathomable ramifications. Atrocious acts of cruelty are shown in the novel that transpire out of fear and anarchy within the main characters. Acts of cruelty are vital to this novel because they function as a political factor in which the characters seek to have a well established form of society. In addition, these acts of cruelty reveals several things about the victims and the perpetrator. When the boys in the Lord of the Flies come to find themselves alone with the no adult supervision they are left with the fact that they need to create some sort of order and stability for the group. Jack wants to be in control but towards the end of the novel jack comes to represent savagery and beastilaty, meanwhile Ralph comes to represent order and civilization. Since Jack does not get elected to be chief he goes on his own way to obtain power and he does by using many acts of cruelty. With Jacks acts of cruelty, it leads the other boys to come to light to their inner savagery. An example of this was when Jack and the boys set out to hunt, they came across a sow in which they torture and cruelly kill. This represented the boys gone past the point of no return, in which they go from being innocent children to bloodthirsty savages. …show more content…

because of jacks acts of cruelty, it serves as an exception to the other boys that was jack is doiing is acceptable. they also humilate piggy and even steal jis

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