Critical Thinking: The Use Of Reasoning And Critical Thinking

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“Everyone should try to make themselves more empathetic, sympathetic, compassionate, loving, and caring and less indifferent, hostile and prejudice”, (Williams, C. & Arrigo, B., 2008). Ethics of care teaches professionals to cultivate the appropriate feelings and emotions. Today people are brusque, short, rushed and irritated on a daily basis because of time. They should instead take a step back and think of how others would feel or take the conversation and plan the appropriate approach. This is what makes me strive to be a critical thinker through retaining information and beliefs that are generated by skills and to have a habit of intellectual commitment to guide my behavior. Can human beings use reasoned thinking to gain knowledge and understanding about reality? Effective reasoning and critical thinking requires the use of knowledge, skills, and tools necessary for critical reflection as well as analyze and work through ethical dilemmas. Effective reasoning is a form of moral reasoning which will aid me in recognizing moral considerations and cope with conflicts. Reasoning is responsibly conducted thinking that will guide my assessments and rationality in order to attempt a well-supported/well-defined question/answer. Reasoning is absolute and yields clarity. Critical thinking leads to an examined life which is when a human being reflects on their own life and strives to change wrong behaviors. An examined life requires us to maintain a healthy degree of skepticism, keep an open mind, step back to see what is in front of us, and see beyond categories, labels, stereotypes, and other performed ways of sorting. An unexamined life is not worth living if you are closed minded and cannot see beyond people’s face value. ... ... middle of paper ... ...h of these concepts lead to the Golden rule ‘whatever a human being wishes to have done to them, do so to the other human being’. All human beings should exercise excellence, avoid negative emotions, and express a virtuous character. Aristotle’s goal of human life is to live a happy existence. Aristotle’s most important virtues belong to the moral character of the person. Virtue relates to the golden mean through having a middle ground/road between two extremes of deficiency and excess. Virtue relates to wisdom through having the knowledge to make the right decision and act accordingly. Thinking about what to do is practical and relates to how to choose and do what an intelligent and reasonable human being can in order to achieve goods in one’s life including the lives of other human beings, as well as maintain a good character and live life to the fullest.

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