Critical Reflection On Dr. Ambedkar's Annihilation Of Caste

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Group Inequality A view On Dr. Ambedkar’s seminal work i.e. Annihilation of Caste Submitted By: Harsh Vardhan Sharma Master of Public Policy (09/2014) Nlsiu,Bangalore CRITICAL REFLECTION ON ANNHILIATION OF CASTE “Unlike a drop of water which loses its identity when it joins the ocean, man does not lose his being in the society in which he lives. Man's life is independent. He is born not for the development of the society alone, but for the development of his self too.” Dr. B.R. AMBEDKAR It is pity that caste even today has its defenders. It is clearly defended and even visible that caste is nothing but a division of labor, and if the division of labor is necessary then I don’t think that there is anything wrong in the society. It just based on the mentality of the people how and to whom they are taking this as a offended. I think division of labor has nothing related to the caste but somehow caste has its relation in order to prioritize on hierarchical grounds. Well, it is quite obvious that industry and market are always changes and rapid, with such changes every individual has right to choose the occupation as per their own convenience, but I think the system in itself has flaws, basically the societal …show more content…

Indian Caste system divides the society and nation. Indian Caste system should be banned at any cost by the Law of the State or by Act of Parliament. Otherwise it will spoil and kill the democratic institutions and secularism of any great civilization or any state and society. Indian Caste system will also slaughter the unity, peace and economic and scientific development and progress of any state and society or any civilized society. To overcome this we should take severe steps and educate the society to make coming generations out of this and taught them a lesson of unity and

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