Critical Lens Essay On Hercules

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Love is a big part of human life and something that everyone has experienced no matter their age, whether that’s romantic, platonic, familial, or material. In fact, it's such a big part of humans that it can be a driving factor in people's decisions. Loving someone or something may cause someone to jump off a bridge, spend money, turn away or take opportunities, and so much more. This is seen in ancient myths like The Odyssey when Penelope refuses other men for 20 years because she believes Odysseus is still alive. Not only is this theme found in ancient texts, it shows up frequently in modern media. In the movie Hercules, Ron Clements and John Husker, use Meg and Hercules’ behavior to show how people think less rationally and do things they …show more content…

Hercules turns away from Olympus and his family in order to be with Meg. Hercules’ goal throughout the story is to prove to the gods that he is a true hero so he can rejoin them. He spends years training and saving people to show the gods that he has what it takes to live on Olympus. It’s not until he goes to save Meg that they believe he is truly a hero worthy of immortality and joins them on Olympus. As Hercules is walking towards the thing he wants most he tells Zeus that a life without Meg, even an immortal one, would be empty and that he wishes to stay on earth with her. Hercules is so in love with Meg he chooses to decline the one thing he had been working towards for years: to be with her. He’s not thinking about death or not being with his parents, when he makes this choice all he is thinking about is being able to be with the one he loves. Hercules shows how when in love, people stray away from what would be their norm and act with less rational thought. Being driven by intense love is a common part of human behavior, and every part of love can cause someone to change

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