Critical Analysis Of When Will People Help In A Crisis

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John M. Darley and Bibb Latane first pose the question of “When Will People Help in a Crisis?” before explaining three concepts as to why people may or may not help in a time of need. They explain that some people turn a blind eye because “Americans consider it bad manners to look closely at others in public” (Darley and Latane 416). Another reason people choose not to help is because they are trying to interpret a situation based on how others around are acting (Bibb and Latane 417). The last reason Bibb and Latane give is that the more people that are around, the less likely an individual is to help. Bibb and Latane’s goal for “When Will People Help in a Crisis?” is to make the reader aware; By looking at the studies that Darley and Latane have done, supporting evidence from other sources, and through personal experience it’s clear that their theories prove true. …show more content…

To support this statement, they had students fill out a questionnaire, either alone or in small groups. The study proved that “Two thirds of the subjects who were alone noticed the smoke immediately, but only 25 percent of those waiting in groups saw it quickly” (Darley and Latane 416). This reasoning can also be justifiable in the role Joan Murray plays in “Someone’s Mother.” If Murray had a passenger with her while she was driving, she most likely would not have noticed the elderly hitchhiker who was waving both arms in the air and grinning like a president boarding Air Force One. This instance proves that being with others has a great effect on an observer’s attention to

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