Crime And Suicide Scene Monologues

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When I arrived at the scene the first thing I noticed was the body. The coroner said he died from head trauma and was drunk. The wife says they fought before she went to a party. She invited some friends over afterwards. She was home for ten minutes before her friends arrived. She met them at the door and told them Mr. Volupides slipped and fell down the stairs when he was coming down for a drink. For a man who fell down the stairs he had unnaturally perfect clothes. After noticing his clothes I looked at the carpet on the stair and on the floor and how they looked untouched. After closer examination I realised he still had a glass in his hand. It also was unbroken. Nothing looked out of place on the wall on the stairs. His clothes were perfect, there …show more content…

Volupides had fallen down the stairs, his clothes would have been a mess. The carpet on the stairs would have also been messed up if someone fell hard enough to die. Another strange thing is the way he’s lying, typically if someone fell down stairs they would land face first not feet first. Next, he was dressed up underneath the robe he was wearing. Someone wouldn’t be dressed up if they’re lounging at home. This suggests that Mr. Volupides was planning to go to the party. He also had a unbroken glass in his hand. When he fell two things should have happened. One, he would have dropped the glass to try and save himself. Two, the glass should have broke even if he didn’t drop it. The weird thing is, is that the glass was in his left hand, and going down the stairs with the railing on the left side, he would have held the railing with his left hand to catch himself. The other odd thing is, that if he was falling down the stairs, he would have tried to stop himself by grabbing something on the wall, but everything on the wall was perfectly in place, nothing moved. Lastly Mrs.Volupides cooked the blood off of the murder weapon. It was the frying pan that had the burning food in it when I arrived at the

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