Creative Writing: Why I Can T I Beat My Addiction

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Addiction - everyone knows how dangerous it can be to be stuck in one, and yet, addictions seem so very difficult to break. It doesn’t matter what it is - drugs, alcohol, gambling, they all present the same challenges. You may be someone who has tried to kick their addiction in the past. You start off great, but then old demons creep back in, and you inevitably fall off the wagon. Try as you might, you just can’t seem to get rid of the feelings that cause this driving urge in you to want to harm yourself. Maybe you feel like giving up. But don’t. There is hope!
Why Can’t I Beat My Addiction?
Only 10 percent of you is conscious of the choices that you make. The rest of the 90 percent is subconscious, and is not aware of what is happening in your current state. That 90 percent is what can prohibit you from moving forward with your addiction goals. That 90 percent affects body functions like your breathing and cardiovascular functions. We don’t consciously think about the fact that we’re breathing. Our body just naturally …show more content…

This is a really hard job, so the subconscious mind is always working. In order to do its job properly, it needs order. The subconscious mind sees order as programming. The first time you won a gambled game, you felt fantastic. Maybe you were depressed one night, and took a few glasses of wine to feel better. Only now you gamble all the time, and drink all the time. The subconscious mind doesn’t make a distinction when you gamble away your life savings, or almost injured yourself driving home drunk. It can’t tell the difference between good and bad. It automatically connects your addiction with being programmed. So this is why it’s been so hard for you to beat your addiction. You’ve been using 90 percent of your mind to do something that it actually thinks is good for you! Luckily, there is a way to release the chains of your addiction, and break through that addiction, using

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